TLC Buy Back FAQs
Q: Who pays for postage?
A: You pay for the price of postage. We recommend using a tracked delivery service. We do not take responsibility for any lost items throughout the delivery process.
Q: What should I include in the package?
A: Please send your garments along with a note with your name and email address - upper case please.
Q: Where do I send my items?
A: FAO The Level Collective, Studio 216, Krowji, West Park, Redtruth, TR15 3AJ
Q: When do I get my Buy Back voucher?
A: Once we have received your garments and been able to go through each item sent back to us.
Q: How do I get my Buy Back voucher?
A: We email you your Buy Back voucher code. Make sure to check any junk mail inboxes as well as your inbox. Contact us if you haven't received your voucher code 2 weeks after sending.
Q: What can I spend my Buy Back voucher on?
A: Any full priced item in our online store. Already discounted items do not apply to your Buy Back Voucher code and you can not combine discount codes with your Buy Back Voucher.
Q: Does my Buy Back voucher have a time limit?
A: No - enjoy whenever your heart desires.
Q: Is there a minimum spend with my Buy Back voucher?
A: £40
Q: Can I return multiple items?
A: Yes - you can return as many items as you like to us.
Q: What do you do with the garments sent back?
A: We'll either repair, rework and resell it or as a very last resort: recycle it.